Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I don't cry at movies very often. My ex-husband used to joke that I was hard hearted at movies, while he would bawl. I'm not one of those stoic, emotionless people who are not easily moved. Actually, I'm very easily moved. But a movie is an escape for me, and although I lose myself in it, I alse separate myself from it. I've cried at Titanic (just a few tears, nothing major), but I have all out bawled at The Piano and My Life (with Michael Keaton). Usually people think I'm crazy to cry at those two movies, but I literally sobbed at those movies, gasping for breath.

Tonight, I was at a friend's house and we watched "P.S. I Love You". Yeah, I cried. I nearly teared up several times in the movie, but the point where I really lost it is when she realized. . . . . .she was alone indefinitely. That was the moment when she finally accepted the loss of her husband and the reality of moving on without any help. That was also the time that she said, "I promised I would never let a man hurt me again."

I remember in my divorce, realizing that I was alone IN a marriage. But then when we physically parted ways, the loneliness was overwhelming. The silence was deafening, and the hurt was numbing. I mean, how was I supposed to move on? My parents hadn't divorced. My sister hadn't divorced. I had no idea how to cope. And just as in the movie, I had been hurt before. I had been in an abusive relationship, and after that I swore no man would ever hurt me again. And yet, I trusted again and it all crumbled on me.

And so, this movie touched my heart. I felt like I was reliving that void--a void that is still there today, but that isn't raw anymore. I had to learn to be strong by myself. I had to learn to get out of bed each day, anyway. I had to learn to exist in a way I never wanted. I still don't like to be at home all alone, but that's what my dogs are for.

I hurt for anyone experiencing this pain, but life does get better. Trust me. And I think I need to go to Ireland to find me a hottie musician with an accent. . . . .


luke said...

I don't cry at many movies either. When I do, they're typically not movies that directly relate to my own life very much at all. Like Lord of the Rings. (Although I *am* a DĂșnedain ranger)

I think it's good to be able to explore that void without getting trapped in it. And a trip to Ireland sounds awesome! ;)

Jeff said...

I cry during commercials. Just wait, Luke. Clover will have you crying at the dumbest stuff.

Crying is good. It is physically cleansing and therapeutically healing. (Except when it causes dehydration. Then it's neither.)

As for the Irish rogue with a brogue, make sure you are comfortable with public farting and the word "ass."

Kristi Ostler said...

Oh, Jeff. Have you met my family? Farting is a sport, a competition, a revenge. LOL!

Kimberly said...

I SOOO cried every time I watched this movie. And I laughed when she tripped over the electric cords. And I gasped when I saw the hottie Irish Musician's butt...